Note On Writing a Good {Original} Article

14-04-2014 CA Madhukar N Hiregange

A students or professional who takes up writing ends up with several advantages:

a. Much deeper understanding of the subject.

b. More wholesome- overall micor/ macro views would emerge.

c. Learn many new hitherto concepts

d. Obviates reading the particular subject again – aids in memory recall. [ though we say that reading again and again also bring new understanding]

e. Next level of analysis easier

f. Improved communication skills

g. A satisfaction of having contributed to spreading knowledge.

h. New found/ enhanced confidence when acknowledged by many.

i. Establishment of a professional name.

j. Enhanced perceived value.


How to Start off?

1. Name your topic. (Be specific- see if the main theme/ type could be made clear ).

2. Write down what you currently know of it.

3. Do some online and practical research to fill in knowledge gaps on the topic.

4. Put the ideas in a logical sequence.

5. Make a Point from each idea.

6. Scratch off any point that isn't critical to the topic.

7.  Add supporting thoughts and material (humor, stats and illustrations) to the points.

8. Add an introduction that relates to the topic

9. Create a call to action for the conclusion that relates to the topic

Never save a good idea for later. Execute it NOW.

If you want to dance get onto to dance floor.

If you want to swim get into the swimming pool.

If you want to speak/ write powerfully take every opportunity to do so.