PROCRASTINATION: What, Why and How to overcome

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 17-07-2024
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Building Integrity by Reducing/ Stoping Lying

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 23-07-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions. (Wikipedia) This quality is also equated to – walking your talk, keeping up your word. Lying would be unethical, untruthful, show poor moral principles and end with not walking your talk. There is an implicit trust in what the professionals says and...

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Effective Working Key to Success

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 21-07-2021
  • Writers: CA Ashish Chaudhary, CA Madhukar N Hiregange, CA Sudhir VS

Productivity & Time Management in Pandemic

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 21-07-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Overcoming Mental Blocks

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 21-07-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Listening Skill

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 21-07-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Billing Dilemma -SMPs

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 21-07-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Delegation A Key to Success

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 21-07-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Countering Corruption GST

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 21-07-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Using 4 Quadrants Philosophy – Productivity & Time management

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 11-05-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Everything we do in our life can be categorized/ ranked/ prioritised as per its importance and urgency. “ Putting 1st things 1st. As we grow to be team leader/ managers or partners, we find that most of our time gets focused on the unimportant activities or on urgent activities. It is like a chakravuha - a downward spiral with no hope of coming out. Knowing what is important we are stuck in inaction. We nod our head and agree that we need to dedicate more and more time to long term...

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