Competence - Fundamental to a Professional

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 12-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Auditors or Articles - Effective listening /learning

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 11-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Audit is a word derived from the Latin word – “auditus” which means hearing which in the past was analogous to listening. In ancient times in India, Egypt audit existed. The accounts would be heard by a competent, highly regarded confidant of the king. The auditor would listen for inconsistencies, aberrations, mathematical accuracy, past and present comparison and the credibility of the person offering the statement and pass the accounts or require further investigation 


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Auditors or Articles - Effective listening /learning

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 11-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Are you left with your right brain?

  • Category: Empowerment
  • Date: 10-04-2014
  • Writer: CA. Dhanashree D. Prabhu

Does that mean, do you use your right brain effectively like your left brain? Or do you use your right brain at all, due to which it is extinct or not left? Well, it means both!  

As we all know, brain and heart are among the most important parts of our body. In fact, if the brain sends a signal to the heart to stop beating, we are no more! So it is important to consciously and constantly monitor our subconscious mind to bear the fruits of what we do and what we want to do.  

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Are you left with your right brain?

  • Category: Empowerment
  • Date: 10-04-2014
  • Writer: CA. Dhanashree D. Prabhu


  • Category: Empowerment
  • Date: 09-04-2014
  • Writer: CA. Dhanashree D. Prabhu

 The C.A. course is one of the least expensive and most respected.  Different updates are provided so that students get new subjects to learn as time changes and with time business needs also undergo a change. It is because of this that the ICAI focuses on computer training for its article students and updates courses with new compliances like US GAAP (for Final course students) and VAT (for PCC) It does not have an all work and no play philosophy as a result of which student study circle...

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  • Category: Empowerment
  • Date: 09-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Get Motivated

  • Category: Empowerment
  • Date: 08-04-2014
  • Writer: Admin

How self-motivated do you feel? And how hard do you push yourself to get things done?     

Wanting to do something and motivating yourself to do it are two different things. So, what's the difference between those who never reach their goals, year after year, and those who achieve one goal after another? Often, it's self-motivation.     

Self-motivation is the force that keeps pushing us to go on - it's our internal drive to produce, develop, and achieve. When you think...

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Get Motivated

  • Category: Empowerment
  • Date: 08-04-2014
  • Writer: Admin

How to Excel in CA Examination

  • Category: Empowerment
  • Date: 07-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Every July and January a large number of students who have written the CA examination either at the IPCC level or the Final level wonder what happened and why they have not been successful.  

The ICAI publishes every year the subject wise question wise suggested answers to enable the student to see where they have erred. Last year onwards the suggested answers are on the web site before the results were announced declared.   

The course requires full coverage in the studies and...

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