Many of us, CAs in practice as well as employment, are very busy and find it difficult to achieve a worklife balance. We do all the work ourselves for a variety of reasons. We have no time for recreation, family or training ourselves. Our bosses/ clients are satisfied with our work, but we wish we had a little more time. There are a lot of jokes on our lack of humour and creativity.
All of us know that free time could be possible if the work was delegated down the line. This is...
Read moreIn ancient Greece and Rome oratory was studied along with mathematics and science as essential skill.
The advantages of public speaking are many. Some of them are discussed below- some you could add:
Main Advantages
In our professional or personal lives we have a number of wants including those we wish to achieve. Wanting is a passive exercise which could be equated to wishful thinking. Motivating oneself to do that is self motivation.
Self motivation could be said to be the heart which produces the energy / drive or push to produce, develop or achieve ones goals and dreams. It has also been described as that characteristic which allows one to continue to take action, inspite of...
Read moreA students or professional who takes up writing ends up with several advantages:
a. Much deeper understanding of the subject.
b. More wholesome- overall micor/ macro views would emerge.
c. Learn many new hitherto concepts
d. Obviates reading the particular subject again – aids in memory recall. [ though we say that reading again and again also bring new understanding]
e. Next level of analysis easier
f. Improved communication skills
g. A satisfaction of...
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