Joint Charge - Compliance & Credits

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 23-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange


The service tax law based on negative based taxation has been effective from 1st of July 2012. This regime is expected to augment the government’s revenue even in this period of slack business/ growth by tapping hitherto untaxed areas of various activities. It is expected that the new law would lead to large amount of disputes and challenges where unintended transactions would be subjected to the tax. One of the main issues causing concern in the trade is the joint...

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Best Practices - Reply to SCN

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 23-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

The service tax law has resulted in a large number of disputes [ more than 1 lakhs + pending as on date] mainly due to the fact that the law is changing frequently and drafting has been seen to have many loose ends. The trigger happy attitude of some of the audit personnel from the Internal Audit or CAG has led to the number of cases increasing by leaps and bounds. The delays in dispute resolution and contrary judgements which are quite common has added to the woes of the service...

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Best Practices - Reply to SCN

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 23-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Joint Charge - Compliance & Credits

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 23-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Cascading Effect of Tax in India

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 22-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Mahadev R

The purpose of this article is to throw light on the cascading effect of taxation present in India and its impact and the possible remedy for the issues arising from the same. The main objective of any taxation in any part of the world is obviously not to levy tax on taxes or in simple words to avoid cascading effect. Cascading effect of tax is one of the major distortions that had crept into Indian taxation. In India, taxes are multi-layered as the central Government levies taxes like...

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Cascading Effect of Tax in India

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 22-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Mahadev R

Bundled Service- ST - Practical aspects

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 22-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Eligibility of Input Service Credits

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 21-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Technology Contract- VAT Vs ST

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 20-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

This category covers information technology, IT enabled service and telecommunication industry. Today businesses are done in various complex manner through different jurisdictions in different countries.  

They could be : Software and hardware supply, turnkey contracts, Build Operate Transfer, Build Own Operate and Transfer, software as a service, professional supply service are different modes of doing business. The dominant motive of the transaction, applicability of aspect theory,...

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Technology Contract- VAT Vs ST

  • Category: Erstwhile Indirect Tax Laws
  • Date: 20-04-2014
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange