Presentation & Communication - Avoiding Fillers

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 06-05-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange


Recently while looking at how knowledgeable professionals can improve their presentation and consequently their communication, I started to notice the use of fillers while speaking even by me. These are used when we collect our thoughts while conversing / presenting on what to say next. It can also come about due to use of very long sentences. These fillers at times get out of control and the object of transmission of information/ knowledge can be defeated. It is observed...

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Getting Rid of mental blocks

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 19-04-2021
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange


Each and every one of us wishes to live a happy, fruitful life of value and meaning. Then why are we not able to do just that given the fact that we are complete, unique and perfect. Maybe we have a mental block?

mental block is an uncontrollable suppression or repression of painful or unwanted thoughts/memories. It can also be an inability to continue or complete a train of thought or inability to focus. This could also not be something we are aware of though many...

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Leaders Vs Victims

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 29-12-2020
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

We at our firm have had as apart of our mission, one to develop committed professional leaders. We have done that for decades now – more than 100 + have gone out as leaders in their own right. In this process of improving others, we ourselves came to know where we were lacking and are improving to the extent, we were comfortable. We worked on our “weaknesses” (areas of possible improvement) and especially built on our strengths. 

We are proud and grateful to the boys/ girls going...

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Procrastination – The Immediate Gratification Monkey

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 10-12-2020
  • Writers: CA Madhukar N Hiregange, CA Ravi Kumar Somani

There is a saying in Hindi from the famous Kabir ke dohae “Kal kare so aaj kar, aaj kare so ab, Pal mey pralay hoyegi Bahuri karego kab.” and to that effect, in English, “tomorrow never comes”. The word “procrastinate” comes from the Latin word meaning “belonging to tomorrow.” Procrastination is an exercising of choice i.e. not to do something now and pushing it to the backburner. Studies have found that even the procrastinators who feel bad about their habit, procrastinate...

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All you need to know about E-invoicing

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 10-10-2020
  • Writers: Anand Sharma, Bichitra Bijoy, CA Mannu Kashliwal

Tariff Classification of Hand Sanitizer

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 26-05-2020
  • Writers: CA Vasant K. Bhat, CA Vikram Katariya

Issues in classification – Pharma Products

  1. Chapter 30 of the Customs Tariff Act covers classification of pharmaceutical products. The most essential characteristic of any medicine is its curative effect i.e. therapeutic use. Curative effect means its ability to cure the disease or mitigate the disease. Another important characteristic is medicines should have the ability to prevent any disease i.e, prophylactic use. The therapeutic or the prophylactic values are the basic factors to...
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Professional Services- Billing Dilemma

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 24-09-2019
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

It is common even among the older firms that the clients pay the dues in a delayed manner. At times it takes years for the fees to be paid!! The practice of billing only when payment is expected would lead to non-compliance under the GST law leading to interest and penalty. It may also lead to further delays as well as incentivise clients to delay. The other age old lump sum fee concept was probably needed 2 decades back other than form small clients. However, today with the plethora of...

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Management Dashboard application

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 12-06-2019
  • Writer: Hiregange Team

Privacy Policy

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 01-01-2017
  • Writer: Hiregange Team

Get Mastery over GST Law & Practice - Initial Steps

  • Category: Professional Value Pack
  • Date: 23-11-2016
  • Writer: CA Madhukar N Hiregange

Many of us have been wishing for enhancing our knowledge in this new law. At present we only have the Model law. Some of us are waiting for the final Act & Rules to start. In the last couple of weeks in various awareness seminars a common question has been how does one start in this area and more towards being a knowledgeable professional.  

Some of us may have some exposure to VAT or Service Tax for whom there may be a need to unlearn a few concepts. Some provisions have been picked...

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